Fascinating that your career as a journalist began decades after mine ended. Do bear in mind that courage is contagious.

Living in a single-stoplight county in the Northwoods of Minnesota since making a decision to abandon L.A. after half a year of deep engagement in movement politicization; I'm quite proud of a couple of facts: One--with 5 credits to go after failing a distribution course while in pursuit of an honors degree in history at the U. of Mn...I shitcanned it and talked my way into a downtown Mpls ad agency as a copywriter. That concluded half a year later and immediately resolved into editing a weekly suburban newspaper...and on from there the next year off in '69 to S.F.to join the "Heavies"...thence to SoCal. Two---now nearing age 79, I'm also proud of never having an income as high as $10K per annum.

We do have a brief history ensuing from your too brief appearance on Unz Review, at which time I got in contact and you responded.

In part, due to Summer energies go to resurrection of gardens at my semi-abandoned homestead, my first book remains in a state of stasis after 46 years of channeling a trans-abstract alphabet where each of our post-Latin version, is letter by letter transliterated into symbol form. Poets, artists, visionaries and young children would constitute the probable market for such a venture. Kernel of the concept is that abstractions engender obstructions.

Contemporary cult-sure, particularly here in the U$$A is not only batshit crazy, but suffers from rapidly metastasizing constipation. Ever since development by the Phoenicians of their abstract COMMERCIAL alphabet, abstractions centering on a near-terminal case of leftbrain overload have effectually doomed the regnant paradigm. "The center cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the land". Those pregnant words are now more than a century old.

Holistic thinking as well as intuition and connexion with cosmic perspectives while thoroughly imbued with regular congress with the manifestations of the natural world have long been denigrated and desecrated by the bitch goddess of materialistic "progress"...going forward, of course.

My budget and energy considerations unfortunately for now anyway, preclude a purchase and thorough perusal of "There". However, while envying your travels and travails...perhaps not so much the latter as I've had a few of my own...you have my best wishes on your enterprising production...AND all possible magic in transmuting Gertrude Stein's proclamation on Oakland by your provision of "THERE" there.

All the best. -carstie

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Hi Carstie... nice to hear from you after so many years. I remember you from the wild ride that wqs my 2020 election coverage. Thanks for your kind words of support. More articles to come soon. Cheers!! Brett

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Way to go. 👍😁

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